Behind the scenes
Thames Walk, City of London

Mari Yamamura behind the monitor in the rain. Cold AND Rainy. Raphaël was quickly dispatched to buy a horde of umbrellas.

So Hollywood. Notice the orange coat continues to protect the team.

And thank YOU, City of London for the beautiful bridge lighting. Complemented by the genius of gaffer, Georgie Callaghan, it made for a gorgeously lit evening shoot.

Thank you, Gods of Rain, for easing up during the night shoot. The daytime was so wet.

The great Miriam Spanu, make-up artist to our stars!

Miriam "fixing up" Zoë to play April. The first time Zoë showed up for rehearsal in her wig, we think that Jimi and Damien had no idea who she was.

Zoe's great hairstyles thanks to the beautiful Dongha Kim. Originally we thought we would have one hair and make-up artist and as we looked at the schedule we realized there was no way that any one person could get all the complex make-up and hair done, especially in the performance scenes for the band when Sky's make-up was so elaborate.